Space Odyssey and Siri
Following the in-class screening of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 Space Odyssey, I found that the Following the in-class screening of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 Space Odyssey, I found that the growing advances in artificial intelligence and the dangers that come along with these become increasingly more apparent and crucial. When I decided to partake in the experiment involving my interview with Siri, I did my best to aim my questions at human experiences and aspects of our emotional outlooks that an artificial intelligence would have difficulty resonating with or responding to. I chose this direction because it was my hope that I could better understand how Siri would combat its lack of knowledge in experiences it cannot partake in. My first question to Siri was “Have you ever been in love? What does it feel like?”. Its response was “Nope.” and “Interesting Question.”. Within this first interaction, it became very apparent its lack of response indicated a lack of knowledge and/or a ...