The Matrix:Red Pill and Blue Pill

 Pro Blue Pill:

-to live in a state of fear or feel like you are a member of the losing side does not help an individual achieve a fulfilling life 

-I don’t believe the blue bill represents the ignorance of all just ignorance of some 

-when unplugged you see every lie and every truth

-in real life, you don’t know everything or nothing

-people in this state of ignorance can still, have power (old money, those in line for the throne, trust fund babies, etc.)

-if you don’t know about a problem who cares about solving it


-Rene Descartes 

            - Cartesian Method

            1. Intro

            2. Thesis = Blue Pill

            3. Antithesis = Red Pill

            4. Synthesis (+/-)

            5. Conclusion

 The Matrix introduces a new world exploring the ways in which an individual's environment and the knowledge of their surroundings affects their human experience.


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