Ready Player 1: Analysis and Presentation

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 I found that by thinking of video games in a more generalized sense and identifying how we as a species have altered the way we develop connections and communicate with each other we can see how this will affect our future. 

While in past generations adolescents would form bonds and friendships through outdoor activities and in person conversations. Today most kids choose to spend their free time playing videogames or through some form of virtual entertainment.

This speaks to the way our world is progressively changing through the ways in which technology is changing with us.  




I connected the virtual character to my real self by identifying the possible freedoms we each have in altering our appearance in some way. While this only goes so far, I found it interesting to think about the ways in which we choose to express ourselves in reality and an anonymous virtual world. Additionally, when



 I connected this experience back to my Major, Advertising and Public Relations, I was able to identify the use of advertising within a video game displayed as a banner, video ad, or minigame sponsored by a. certain company, etc. By viewing these ads, I can begin to understand what resonates with these audiences and how I will be able to connect with them in the future. Also, taking this one step further I can connect the way we personalize our characters with the ways in which an advertiser alters or crafts an advertisement. Through their creative thinking and use of eye-catching media they are able to establish viewership by videogame users everywhere.


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